How Online Collaborations are Changing the Indie Scene

Image Credits: Flickr Online collaborations have permeated every facet of life, and that includes the indie scene. Be it games, movies, videos, music or any other indie creation, you see collaborators from around the world working on a single project or collaborating on multiple projects at the same time. How are collaborations and international teams changing the face of the indie scene? How collaborations are bringing positive change
  • Better ideation and brainstorming: When professionals and passionate people from around the world discuss ideas that they have, they can understand pitfalls and problems better. This leads to better planning for projects, be it games, movies or something else being made independently. Exchange of ideas may also lead to fusing of various ideas into one grand plan and work as a team to execute the plan.
  • Greater access to talent and skill: Collaborating with people from around the world means that your access to talent and skill is multiplied many times over. You get to work with some amazing people, people who are great at what they do, and this can be a wonderful learning experience if you are passionate about your work but are new to it. Working with experienced and skilled talent can help you become a better artist, developer, and planner.
  • Global appeal for products: When you create a product, be it music, movie or something else with people from various places around the world, it brings a global flavour to your work. Your work becomes more appealing for people from various cultures and backgrounds because it caters to them better.
How the Internet has helped bring this change The Internet has been one of the driving forces behind global collaborations on the indie scene. It has made people around the world easily accessible, and it has helped make communication easier among people from various corners of the world. You can talk to people thousands of miles away instantly and without spending a great deal of money. You can search for people doing work that is similar to your own and connect with them, find people who have the skills you are looking for and work with them remotely as well. 2

Image Credits: Pixabay

Online collaborations have made the indie scene better, bigger, and more vibrant than it was before the Internet became accessible to all. Such collaborations have led to the discovery of hidden local artists and made indie work accessible and available globally.
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