Best Film Podcasts

As someone who loves and makes films, your life is probably spent absorbing everything that is film related. But, there is so much stuff out there that it can become a difficult task to select only the best. Luckily for you, we’ve compiled this short list of film podcasts that you need to listen. Here […]

Weirdest Viral Videos Out There

Image source: The internet is an incredible place to discover videos that can absolutely blow your mind. There are thousands of clips available online that make the viewer’s burst out in uncontrollable laughter, or be in complete awe or even make people cry. What about videos that are weird but have somehow managed to […]

The Best Italian Film & Animated Features

Image source: IMDB Like every other European country, Italy also has a very rich and long history. It’s extremely hard to list out the best Italian films/animations as there are loads of movies to pick from. Here are the top 5 Italian films/animations that have to be watched. L’arteDellaFelicità Released in 2013, the animated movie […]

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