- How Not To Write a Screenplay, Author Martin Flynn: Sometimes it’s the ‘do not’ that make more sense than the do’s. This book is a beacon that shows every writer the common mistakes and how to portray ideas the right way. Although, the title is quite lengthy, the book is a quick read.
- Save the Cat, Author Blake Snyder: This book is a simple narrative that is also a fun read. The highlight is the Beat Sheet which is a cheat sheet for plot introductions and twists in the story in terms of page numbers. Many who’ve read the book find it formulaic. In the words of the author, the save the cat moment is when the hero does something heroic like saving the cat- this scene concretes his character and makes the audience like him.
- Screenplay, Author Syd Field: This is mostly one of the first reads of every aspiring screenwriter. The book is writen by none other than the master Syd Field, who has accurately dissected the three act structure. He is hailed as the creator of terms like ‘pinch’ and ‘turning points’. The author discloses that the common trait all good screenplays have is that the end is clear in the writers head even before he starts.
- Making a Good Script, Author Linda Seger: This book is similar to Screenplay. It is an illuminating read if you wish to add complications and reversals in your plot. The book gives helpful instructions on elevating conflict.
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- The Screenwriter’s Bible, Author David Trottier: If you’re seeking a formatting book which is contemporary and informative, you’ll find it within the pages of the Screenwriter’s bible. Apart from offering tips on the basic ‘how to’, the book also provides the necessary information on how to register the script and query letter drafting.

5 Books On Screen Writing That You Must Read
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Whether you’re a novice or an experienced writer, reading these books will only sharpen your writing skills.