Nerdeo Present At The VFX Festival 2014
Nerdeo was invited to take part at the VFX Festival 2015 where we showcased our first screens in development, talked about our community and ongoing projects. Our CEO, Caroline Pires, and board member, Katherine Anne Hunt, manned the booth as many students took interest in our explainer video. Out of 200 students who visited that day, we had 120 signups! It just proves that there is a need for a collaborative platform like ours out there.
Caroline Pires explained how nerdeo started as social media community and how it still functions as one until the actual website is released. Many directors and creatives will contact us via our signup page, twitter or facebook to ask for help on their projects. We advertise their projects on our newsletter that is then distributed to our 1400 strong postproduction community. So far, we have had over 20 successfully completed projects this way, including the indie feature “Arthur and Merlin” directed by Marco Van Belle.
Nerdeo has many more projects coming, so definitely check out our social media channels if you’re interested in either collaborating on or creating creative projects linked to film or games.
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