- L’arteDellaFelicità Released in 2013, the animated movie is about a taxi driver who lives in Napoli, who spends his time riding a car he inherited from his uncle. His brother joined a monastery in Nepal to go on the path of happiness. The taxi driver is always melancholic and sad about his life. After listening to a radio show called the art of happiness that reminds him of what the goal in his life was. It won the Best Debut Award at the Raindance Film Festival in 2013.
- The Great Beauty The great beauty won the Oscar in 2014 for Best Foreign Film of the Year, the Golden Globes in 2014 for Best Foreign Language, and BAFTA Awards in 2014 for Best Film not in English Language. Overall the film has won 54 times and got nominated 74 times. The movie is about Jep Gambardella, a man who thrived and loved the rich nightlife of Rome for decades. After he turned 65, his life takes a new direction as he starts to look beyond parties and nightclubs to find a landscape of beauty.
- Fai BeiSogni Released on 10th of November 2016, Fai BeiSogni won the International Cinephile Society Awards in 2017 for Best Picture Not Released in 2016. It also got nominated for Grand Prix in the Ghent International Film Festival in 2016. The story is about a man named Massimo who has the relive the traumatic experience when he lost his mother. Elisa, a compassionate doctor helps confront his past by helping him open up. Image Source: Youtube
- PerfettiSconosciuti PerfettiSconosciuti is a film about 7 friends who come together for dinner. As they begin to talk about the reason behind every received email, phone call, and text message, skeletons begin to fall out of the closet. PerfettiSconosciuti has won 12 awards and got nominated 12 times.
- Fuocoammare Fuocoammare is a documentary about a 12-year-old boy who lives in Lampedusa, an island that thousands of migrants from Africa and the Middle East flock to, hoping to start new in Europe. The boy is a local who loves to hunt with the help of a slingshot and spend time on the land even though his culture is deeply rooted in the sea. Fuocoammare has won 13 awards and has been nominated 24 times, one of them for the Best Documentary Feature in Academy Awards, 2017.
The Best Italian Film & Animated Features
Image source: IMDB
Like every other European country, Italy also has a very rich and long history. It’s extremely hard to list out the best Italian films/animations as there are loads of movies to pick from. Here are the top 5 Italian films/animations that have to be watched.